In 2023 we partnered with the amazing team at Southcentre mall to build an urban rooftop garden on their unused rooftop space! Fresh and nutritious vegetables and fruit as not always easy to come by as a food charity! But with the help of some incredible donors and sponsors we ensured that we had 100 pots growing a summer long harvest of delicious vegetables, fruit, fresh herbs and honey!

THANK YOU to our MAJOR SPONSORS for the 2023 Rooftop Community Garden:
Southcentre Mall
The Kinette Club of Calgary
The Kinsmen Club of Calgary

Thank you to Microhabitat, WILD PR and Honey Meadows Farm for helping us make the magic happen!

And we are doing it AGAIN for the 2024 summer season! Because we need a steady supply of fresh food now more than ever before!

This summer, we will once again be growing fresh vegetables, herbs & fruit, and running a beehive program in support of our Made by Momma food programs.

Together with @southcentremall and we are repurposing unused rooftop space to create a sustainable, local solution to contribute to the increasing demand for fresh, nutritious sources of food for Calgarians in need.

Canada does not have a food shortage problem – but we do have problem getting food into the hands of those who need it most! Single mothers are among the most vulnerable to food insecurity and that challenge is increased for Indigenous and racialized families.

Families in our community need our help more than ever! In just the first six weeks of 2024, 611 families have reached out for support with basic needs during times of adversity or crisis.

A continuous supply of healthy ingredients is needed to prepare the thousands of servings of meals for these families.

And this is where you come in. With your support, the funds raised through this campaign will help ensure that we have fresh produce to use in our healthy freezer meals and hampers, which nourish families when they need it most!

We need your help to make an impact where it’s needed most!

Donate today and be a part of building the largest rooftop community garden in North America!


Southcentre Mall
The Kinsmen Club of Calgary
The Kinette Club of Calgary
The Kinette Club of Calgary – Members Community Giving Fund
Field Law Community Fund
Crowdfunding AB Donors
Government of Alberta Matching Grant
Birdies for Kids Matching Grant (Rogers)
….. {your name here} …..

It’s not too late! Can you help us make the garden even BIGGER this year?

Will you consider supporting this important project? 
Financial Sponsorship with recognition opportunities start at $1,000!
Please send us a message if you want to support this much-needed food program for our charity!