Made by Momma wants your refundable bottles!

Are you looking for new ways to support our charity? Do you have bottles and cans piling up in your garage?  We want them!

We’ve partnered with SkipTheDepot making your life a lot easier! You won’t even have to leave the house!

♥ January: Feminine Hygiene Drive

Help us help underprivileged mothers and girls in need of a basic necessity: menstrual hygiene products.

For the month of January, we will be collecting all types of feminine hygiene products for the mothers we serve. It’s a fact that period poverty is a real thing. It’s a thing – right here in our city.
Lacking the funds to buy needed menstrual hygiene products is a challenge for many of the families we help. Can you imagine having to resort to using just toilet paper to manage your flow? How would that affect your ability to attend work or go to school?